Open Positions

If you think about working with us and want to apply, I highly recommend reading through this link prior to writing your statement. It is from the MemoLab (US-based), but many things apply as well. At some point I hope to write my own document, but this has to suffice for now.


Official announcement for 2 TVL-13 100% positions coming soon!


We have open HiWi positions.

Open Projects

If you are interested in the areas of methods development, EEG, Eye-Tracking, Visual Processing, Cognitive Science, it is always a good idea to shoot us an email. Sometimes we have capacities for theses without a formal offer. Note on external theses: We usually only accept these if they fit within the topic of our lab.


Effect of stimulus duration on brain activity, during a rapid serial presentation task


Implement & improve the RIDE algorithm into the Unfold.jl toolbox (for brain analyses)